After graduating from the Seattle Film Institute in 2005 with focuses in Editing and Cinematography. I started working the local Indy scene taking any and every production job I could find. By the end of my first year out of school, my network had grown so much that I was constantly booked, and It's pretty much stayed that way throughout my career. In 2008 I edited my first feature film that debuted at SIFF. And over the last 12 years have shot and edited hundreds of projects with a client list that includes Hyatt, Microsoft, Marriott, Hulu, Parson's, Raytheon, Komatsu, UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, US SOCOM, US Army, US Navy, and Samsung.
Created as a video loop to be played at Samsung’s new LC Tech Center. The experience demonstrates how 5G can support AR/MR technology to quickly and effectively detect faults in a factory setting or help inspire new engineering practices that revolutionize our world.
The IncLab and Collins aerospace team up with the U.S. Army to design an new human machine interface to facilitate the Air Launched Effects from the UH-60 Blackhawk. This was a special project for me because not only was I the lead UI/UX deisnger for the interface, I was also the producer and editor for this teaser video.
The Burp Tool Buddy is a pocket reference manual, available on a mobile app, containing tool explanations, configuration recommendations, and tips and tricks when working with Burp Suite® proxy. This promo premiered during the main session of Defcon 29 in Las Vegas, NV